If you are looking for the perfect way to celebrate in your own garden, then a garden igloo hire could be the perfect answer. All you need is a garden of 4mx4m and we will create magic from a single garden igloo.
Perfect for your upcoming birthday, anniversary, proposal, or any cause for celebration. Spoil a loved one or yourself and you will have a celebration of dreams.
It's super simple to hire, just pop us an email or fill in the reservation form here and we will get you booked in with only a £100 deposit. Your garden igloo hire couldn't be any easier.
Take a look at our first booking for an 18th Suprise birthday in Pink and Rose Gold. But remember for your garden igloo hire, we offer bespoke color-themed setups and additional decoration elements if needed (but you usually don't).
Our dinner set ups seat 8 perfectly and hosts stylish and themed decoration. You can also have a few other setups like:
Movie nights
We look foward to hearing from you,